Wednesday, June 28, 2006

She sells sanctuary

A girl can create just about anything when she sets her mind to the joy of starting and finishing a project in the same day. It doesn't look like much in this shot but there are also flowers in the flower boxes and pots beside the Ficus that's blurrily creeping into the picture, and there's new flagstone leading into the yard. And there were two big garbage bags full of weeds and dead leaves. It all started with my walking outside with a broom to sweep the little patio. It ended three hours and four bottles of water later with me slowing climbing the stairs in filthy sweaty clothes, my left hand on the pain in my back and my right hand on the banister for strength, my face red, shoulders sunburned, and my mind cursing itself for waiting until Noon to begin. Still, pleased, very pleased with myself and my little sanctuary.



Anonymous said...

Strange concept, that all in one day thing. Maybe you could fill reading in on the secret!

Linda@VS said...

You SHOULD be pleased! This is beautiful.

Adam said...

I'd have been disappointed if the star didn't make it in the picture! That's a requirement in all Texas gardens.

Gary Wood said...

Very nice. I'm so impressed with yours, I may make one of my own. Thanks.