Friday, March 02, 2007

Let's talk about sex, shall we?

Just kidding. But it got your attention, didn't it?

My bag is packed, and the leads, collars, food, treaties, bowls and bed of Cheyenne's life are also packed. We're heading to Austin in a few hours. We're going to see my niece. I found a hotel near the campus that will not only take Cheyenne but will give me airline miles for our stay as well, which to me is pretty much the only way to travel. With my dog, and getting something in return. Not bad.

This weekend is about her (niece, not dog). It's about looking for the apartment where she'll hang her hat (if she wore one) during the summer months. It's been so long since I've looked at apartments. Fair to say our expectations are going to be different. I'll have to remember that we're not looking for a granite-counter-spa-tub variety. She'll be happy with anything that's clean and has running water on a regular basis. Our budget is more closely related to her taste, not mine, which as Martha Stewart would say, is a good thing.

That little exercise is for tomorrow though. Today is about fun. Today is about parks and cameras and exploring. That's who we are and I love sharing that with her. This evening I'll be hosting a dinner for three of her vegetarian friends, one I know and two I look forward to meeting. I remember when my parents came to Lubbock and took my friends and me out to dinner. It's a good memory of a nice evening where we all dressed up and practiced our manners for Mom and Dad. We were so successful that I recall looking around that table and hardly recognizing a few of my friends in their Yes Sir / No Sir Eddie Haskell posturing.

I sort of feel that I'm about to take that particular baton from my parents this weekend, that I'll be walking in their shoes. I feel good about that, like I'm in good company.


Anonymous said...

enjoy it, alison. say hi for a little ghost in north texas

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, looks like you're learning some tricks from your Uncle Jim. ;)

I remember my first apartment. It made me feel all grown up to be paying my own rent and everything. Same feeling when I made that first mortgage payment. Oddly enough, the first mortgage payment after I had clear title was as liberating as the first apartment.
I hope the two of you have fun searching for her place.

*sigh* I miss being a dad...

Reading said...

Have fun this weekend. I remember my mom coming to stay with me in Lubbock and doing the same. Fun memories!

Anonymous said...

What a great time to take a trip - and what a trip, the visit, the picking up the baton, and all. Enjoy.