These were taken on my morning walk, which actually took place in the early afternoon, but that's only because my afternoon nap took place in the morning, and ended in the early afternoon.
These were taken early this evening at the neighborhood park. See that last photo on the right there, the one of my Godchild kicking back as if she's tubing on a sunny day along the Guadalupe river? She's a cool kid, that one. Now, see the second photo, the one where she's auditioning for the funny face competition? She is also a bit of a clown. She is curious and serious and kind. She is loving and happy. Today was her first day of Kindergarten. The picture on the far left, of the little one grabbing the next ring? That one, she's a belly laugh disguised as a little girl. She's stubborn and quizzical and sweet. There's a bit of magic in her. She is independent until the top edge of the minute she needs you, and then she needs you. Now. Tomorrow is her first day of pre-school.
To my heart's delight, they are both very fond of getting and giving hugs these days.
I think I'll end this post with the conversation that just took place between their father and me:
Him [walking into the kitchen]: What are you doing?
Me [looking up from my laptop]: Oh, um, posting pictures of your children on the internet.
HA! You're right - C (the first one) looks like she should be holding a beer and river floating! tee-hee! (thanks for posting the pics)
Precious. The time. And the faces.
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