Friday, February 24, 2006


Ghost tagged me with this little musical meme. Because I am visiting the Advil bottle today with precision timing every four hours, the challenge is much more appealing to me than using my own words at the moment.

Choose a band / artist and answer ONLY in their song titles. Not lyrics, titles:

1. Name of band/artist: Fleetwood Mac
2. Are you male or female?: Paper Doll
3. Describe yourself: Bright Fire
4. How do you feel about yourself?: Behind the Mask
5. Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Brown Eyes
6. Describe current girlfriend/boyfriend: Miles Away
7. Describe where you want to be: Landslide
8. Describe how you live: Beautiful Child
9. Describe how you love: Storms
10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish?: Wish You Were Here
11. Share a few words of Wisdom: Go Your Own Way
12. Now say goodbye: Goodbye Baby

I'll tag Reading, because I'm hoping that will remind her that she has a blog, since apparently she's completely forgotten. And Adam, because I'm curious.


Adam said...

Sounds like a fun post...but I need a second to think about it. While you eagerly await my take, go to your local book store and pick up this book. Normally I don't let books about labs inside my house, but last weekend I found it and its pretty good so far...I'm only 20 pages into it though.

Anonymous said...

very nice, alison. thanks for playing along. great choice of music by the way.