Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Two things toward the positive

There is not much that I enjoy about having my house on the market.  In fact, there are only two things that I consider pleasurable about the experience.  One is that my house is spotless, white-glove-test clean ALL the time.  It has to be that way since I've only requested one hour's notice before a realtor shows the property.  The other thing I enjoy is the flowers.  I keep fresh flowers throughout the house now, as their scent and their presence aid in its appeal to potential buyers.  Living in an immacutely clean house with fresh flowers?  Very enjoyable indeed.





Linda@VS said...

Fresh flowers always make a room feel special. I hope the house sells quickly so you can move into your new home soon.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Wishing you the best with this. HIDE your jewelry WELL! I've had some not so nice experiences with selling!