Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The head of the nail

As I'm heatedly venting to my friend about something that is bothering me, something that is happening to someone I love, something that is out of my control and yet hurts me deeply, she says to me, Please don't make yourself crazy over this. I told her I wasn't going to, that was why I was talking to her about it, getting it out.

And then it hit me. While it is a release of sorts, talking about it, even deeply discussing it, does not mean dealing. Intellectualizing and verbalizing feelings, that stuff I'm good at. Feeling them, processing them, allowing that time, not so much.

Figuring that out just now is an epiphany for me. Truly.


CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Those little epiphanies make life so interesting!

maxngabbie said...

Dealing with "it" can be a long process. Sit under that full moon tonight, and it will help. I did that last night, no talking helped me deal, but the moon helped.
"I see the moon, and the moon sees me, God loves you, and God loves me."

ghost said...

now that you know....