Friday, September 02, 2011

Dear September

Dear September,

Yea! I'm so happy that you are (finally) here!  And how 'bout that miserable introduction August had for you?  Has August ever been so rude in the past?  I don't recall but seriously, she needs a time out.  All "Me Me Me"and "Look how hot I am."  Yeah, we get it.  Oh did we get it.  There was no need for her to scorch us with triple digit heat day in and day out.  No need at all.  But that's her, not you.  Right?  Please say I'm right.

Now that you're here, September, I have a few favors to ask of you: First, would you rain?  I'd really like you to rain, we NEED you to rain.  Second, would you drop the temperature?  That too would be great.  Lastly, the leaves.  Oh dear, the leaves.  Hang on to them, would you?  The ones that are left, the ones that August didn't sear to a crisp, they need you now.  Don't drop them, okay?  Hang on to them, nourish them like you usually do in this part of the state.  Let January color them and drop them (you know she enjoys that). 

I know I'm asking a lot of you but I also have equal amounts gratitude.  Thank you for ushering in the new school year, for bringing in school clothes and school supplies, for new pencils and notebooks.  Thank you for an opportunity to change up the home decorations, redecorate the mantel, plant colorful Mums in the flower beds. Thank you thank you thank you for being the first of the "r" months. 


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