Friday, November 18, 2005

For those of you who like stories that are all about but never say the word poop

It's hard to tell someone else's story. But it's Friday and I am up for the challenge.

My friend has three men that live with her: husband, four year old son, and eight month old son. This story is about the husband and four year old.

She tells me that the four year old can for the most part handle his own bathroom duties. Still, when he's finished, she does audit his business (that’s a direct quote) to make sure everything is okay back there. Her husband evidently is not in the auditing business and instead flat-out trusts that everything is okay. Back there.

Husband and son took a weekend road trip recently. Over dinner at McDonalds, while the two bond over their fries, the son announces, My fries smell like butt.

Husband has flashbacks of fidgety, itchy son during drive, experiences Aha moment.

What do you think the husband said in response? (And, unbelievably, Let's go wash your hands right this minute, is not the answer.)

The husband said, Use the other hand to eat your fries.


Anonymous said...

Love that!!! Sounds like something that would have come out of my household!!!

Anonymous said...

He sounds darn practical to me. No need to leave the food unattended to take care of personal hygiene. That can wait unitl it's convenient.

Great story, though.