Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Raising the roof

Cheyenne, bless her, got into something yesterday. Something that didn't exactly agree with her. And she had gas. Bad. And by bad gas, I mean that I'm pretty sure she could have single-handedly imploded the Paige Parks building on Kirby last weekend, and saved someone a lot of money on explosives.

It was so frequent and oftentimes so loud that even she was a bit surprised - and a lot inconvenienced - by it all. She'd get herself settled on the couch, fart, turn her head quickly towards her backside as if she'd actually see something there, and then drop her head a bit and remove herself from the couch to the floor. Or from the floor to her bed. Or from her bed, to the rug under the dining table. She was chasing herself out of the room. I was camped out in the kitchen with a can of Oust Air Freshener, and surrounded by Yankee Candles.

I took her for a walk, thinking the exercise might help her get it all out, so to speak, but when we got home and I was taking her collar off, she let loose again. Necessarily, all the windows were open, all the fans were on high.

This morning, like last night, I gave her some plain yogurt, hoping to calm her system, or calm the storm, if you will. Then I searched the internet to see if there was anything else I could do. Besides patience, air freshener and a clothespin on my nose, there's not a whole lot. But I did find this paragraph:

It should be noted that although bad flatulence can be reduced, all dogs experience daily flatulence and it should never be your intention to get your dog to stop farting altogether.

Um, after last night, how could that not be my intention?


Anonymous said...

I have never in my life been so grateful that my dog burps instead of farts. And, actually, it's sort of cute. She looks at me funny and let's loose with a big, old belch and then, I swear, she smiles at me and starts wagging her tail.
Yep, better up than down.

Anonymous said...

"Better out than in, I always say"


Reading said...

If the boy sees this the magic is soooo gone.

Adam said...

Hey, look on the bright side. Now you can "officially" blame it on the dog!

Adam said...

File this under random coincidence of the day. While reading a dog blog that I visit a few times a week, that was the link of the day. Its funny how this blog thing runs in circles. Be sure to check out the cartoons!