Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Greek Mythology 101

The story goes that after making wings from leather and wax, Daedalus warned his son Icarus to be careful when he was flying, not to get close to the sun lest his wings would melt and he'd tumble to the sea.

Be careful not to burn your wings when flying so close to the sun.

What does that mean to you?


Anonymous said...

to me it means that despite tremendous power and freedom there are still limits, or perhaps better, that you must learn to limit yourself in certain regards else you will do irreperable damage. i am legal. i have the ability to drink my self into a stupor anytime i choose. but. my family history lets me know that there is a high chance i'll become an alcoholic. instead of risk that, i choose not to drink at all.

Anonymous said...

To me it says that if you are flying too high, you might get burned. Flying and burned being symbolic for pride and the fall.

Sass said...

To me it means your head may be getting to big for the situation and come back down to earth.

luckeyfrog said...

Be careful not to push too much for success, or the very thing that brought you to that position could be your demise.

Anonymous said...

to me it means i better find a better way to make my wings :-)