Wednesday, July 12, 2006

In the evening this song remains the same

When you have to work late and you don't mind but you're dragging a bit cause it's been a long day and you've not taken a break, if at about 5:30 the woman across the hall from you turns the volume way up on a Led Zeppelin song, and then turns it up higher on the following Led Zeppelin song, and you find yourself feeling good because the music has given you a jolt of energy and you can get your project finished no problem, and the next song is Kashmir, and you squint your eyes and imagine sitting on a hill at a Zeppelin concert you never went to with a bunch of cool hippies you never hung out with and smoking pot you never smoked, and you start to focus on your work with a clarity you've not been able to reach all day because it's perfect that the music normally outside the realm of proper office music is actually music of choice for this group today and perfect enough and loud enough to get you through the next few hours because now that you're imagining yourself in a hillside crowd rocking to the music of a concert you were too young to attend in the first place, you are really able to focus and get your work done.

But that's just me.


Linda@VS said...

Life without good music would be like your first paragraph: a loooooooong sentence.

Duly Inspired said...

VS - That's exactly what I was trying to say. Thanks for noticing.

Anonymous said...

now see. this is the perfect post to come back to after a two week vacation. thanks, alison.