Thursday, September 27, 2007


It was a funny place to stop, wasn't it? I was quite interested in your words, the way you were describing the colors in your house. I could see each room. Then how we ended up talking about the tattoo on your back, I have no idea but I'm quite intrigued.

The problem with a battery-operated alarm clock is that I can pick it up and shove it under a pillow to shut it up. Which I did several times this morning but once it went off, you were gone and stayed gone. And I could not find you.

Seriously, what's up with your blue eyes? Where were we?

When I see you in the office this afternoon, and my face gets red, you'll notice it but you won't say a thing. But I want you to know that this is why. This right here is why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like being replaced... I feel so jilted!!!!