Monday, September 01, 2008

Necessity breeds ambiance

Of my two nieces, one lives in Austin and the other in Louisiana, an hour or so north of New Orleans. Understandably, I was concerned about my Louisiana niece over the past couple days. We had been texting back and forth about the weather (Gustav) and yesterday she texted that the power had gone out but otherwise it was like any rainstorm and not so bad. I told her that she likely wouldn't have school today to which she replied that she didn't have school but that her English teacher had last week assigned her class a choice of British novels to read during the hurricane.

She picked Jane Eyre, which she was reading by candlelight. I learned over the weekend that I'm an idealist and I guess that's true because reading Jane Eyre by candlelight? I think that's perfect.


CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

Hope she's OK. I can't reach any of my family by phone...

ghost said...

ive never read jane eyre. i dont know that its my kinda read.