My friend Carmon over at Life at Star's Rest gave me a "Creative Blogger" award in June. I was surprised by the award and delighted to read her kind words: Ever since I discovered her blog, I have been an admirer of Alison's photography, writing, and amazingly generous spirit. I don't think she is very interested in awards so I am giving her this one mostly because she deserves it, and also to send people to her site in hopes that they will find a way to help a family that recently experienced a profound loss.
That was very kind of Carmon, and people did link from her site to mine. I appreciate her kindness most of all for that reason.
Then last week, another blogger, Nilla over at Rhymes with Vanilla, gave me an "Honest Scrap" award. Again I was surprised. Again I was delighted.
I waited until after our fundraising even to post about this because I didn't want to take any attention away from our focus.
With both awards, there are a few rules. The Creative Blogger award states that I am supposed to tell you seven interesting things about myself and then pass this award on to seven other bloggers. With the Honest Scrap award, the concept is the same but instead of interesting things, the request is honest things and the number is ten.
I'm going to opt for seven things. I don't think they're necessarily interesting but they are honest. Here goes:
1. I'm a list maker. I write down weekly or daily goals, and if I have errands to run, not only do I write them out but most often I write them out in the order that I'll make them, from a time-efficiency standpoint. I picked up this habit when I moved in with my parents to take care of my niece and nephew, and my mother would make notes for things she needed to do, or things she wanted me to do. She was a night owl, my mother was, and in the mornings, I'd wake to find her organization in all sorts of notes left for herself, my father, the kids and me in the kitchen. When I moved out, the note habit came with me.
2. I delight in putting a check mark beside the completed tasks on my lists; the feeling of accomplishment is way out of proportion to the actual achievement. I can't explain why I get so excited when I check off Dry Cleaner.
3. I used to bite my fingernails, and I mean down to the nub. It was a habit that drove my father nuts. When I was in 10th grade, he offered me $100.00 and a manicure set if I would stop. I don't recall what I spent that money on but I still have the manicure set. And decent fingernail length.
4. My middle name is Elizabeth, after my mother. I feel wonderfully connected to her because of my middle name. Both of my neices also have Elizabeth for their middle names.
5. The ceiling fan in the living room of the family cabin clicks three or four times every now and then. It has done so for years. I think about that clicking sound often. In my thoughts, I've attached that sound to the sound of passing time.
6. When Calvin Trillon was writing for Time Magazine, his essays were oftentimes on the last page. Whenever the magazine arrived, I would go to the last page first so that I could read what he had to say. I now read all magazines from back page to the front.
7. I have two projects in the works. One is big and will take my life in a different direction than I've been on for the past 20 years. The other might be big but right now is a seed of an idea and growing in the hands of another. I'm not ready to elaborate on either one yet. But I will soon.
Now for the part of passing these awards on to others. I'm only going to pass these awards, yes both of them, to one blog. My friend Dee is relatively new to the blogging world, and her blog, Soul Promptings, consistently provides new ideas to my mind and inspiration to my heart. Dee is creative, honest and has a healthy and loving relationship with God. I've learned a lot from her over my years of knowing her and I continue to learn from her through her writings.
you are very worthy of both awards. so is the soulful one.
pixie and her mother both have elizabeth as their middle names.it is classic and elegant and beautiful.
Congrats on the awards. I am hoping one of the things you are privately working on has to do with my persistant pressure.....
I'm working on one myself, to help me process everything, but also in the hopes it reaches someone else who needs it. Same reason you should do it.
I thought the full tank of gas statement was precious. So youthful and innoncent. In 30 years she'll be telling them, I'll only buy it if it is full of gas, has been detailed and comes with a new garage!
Alison, thanks a lot for playing along. Sorry I bestowed that award on you, but I did it for selfish reasons...it was nice to get to know you better!
Congratulations friend. You deserve both. I don't know that I am worhty of them but I thank you.
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