Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Fried, like Valentine's Toast

I have a gift for you this Valentine's Day. It's the gift of knowledge, so pay attention.

If you ever find yourself in a convertible driving the freeway to work on a somewhat chilly morning, it's a good idea to either wear that lightweight jacket you brought with you or put it beneath something heavy in the front seat, or else the combination of its lightweightiness and all the wind blowing through the car will airlift that sucker right out of your reach and forever out of your life.

Back up your hardrive. Often. Or you might find the head of your IT department looking down at you with a face that saves him from actually having to tell you what an idiot you are and still assures you get the message, all while he tells you that your hard drive is fried, as in toast. This one's a two-parter and here's the second half: Do not respond that, actually, toast is not fried, it's toasted. He will not crack a smile. And he is what stands between you and your laptop.

Both of these learned the hard way by me on this very morning. Seems unfair not to share it. Even though I'm not proud of letting the jacket fly out of the car, and I'm certainly regretting not backing up my hard drive, in my world, I think both of these are preferable to saying out loud that something was fried, as in toast.

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all.


Sass said...

Lessons learned. I recently friend a laptop with spilling a jar of pickles on it. Try explaing that one to your C.T.O. -

Sounds great for next week - let's figure it out after this weekend and choose a day.

Enjoy Austin and whatever day it is again.

Ah crud, even after i typed in the little word verification below I had to come back and write it clearly.

Happy Valentines Day Alie.

Anonymous said...

it guys have no sense of humor. and you are correct. you can not fry toast, but you can fry a grilled cheese sandwich. throw some ham on that bad oscar and youre set.

sorry about the jacket. i take pictures of things like that on the road and then make up stories as to how they got there.

Anonymous said...

Ghost, I resemble that remark! ;) Mostly, we get our sense of humor beaten out of us, one crashed hard drive at a time. Most people are a little more, um, "excited" about getting their data off that drive. Still, if you manage to get that guy to smile Alison, he'll go way out of his way to do you favors. Trust me on this one.