Friday, March 10, 2006

That girl, her guy, their girls, my girl, that girl and her girl and that girl

We met Monday evening, outside on the the patio at Cafe Adobe. It had been planned for weeks but on my end, everyone kept moaning, Why Cafe Adobe?

Well, because that's where she wants to go.

Which was a bit hard to accept for my Mexican Food and Margarita Purist friends. But they got over it.

Gus Visit 035 Gus Visit 049 Gus Visit 046
Gus Visit 059 Gus Visit 055 Gus Visit 056

There were coloring books, sippy cups, margaritas and beer. There were friends and flowers. There was a round table of tickling. There was a fountain, and curiosity, and squeals of laughter. There was a plate of barely touched cheese quesadillas because who the heck can eat dinner when there are so many people to tickle with a leaf?

Suffice to say that Mom and Dad got to enjoy a couple margaritas while the rest of us clowned for the girls' attention. When it was time for the little family to leave, we said good-bye, and as we watched them walk out the door, we laughed in that sort of wicked way you laugh when you get someone else's kids worked up into such a frenzy that they're combustible, and you know the evening will be a long one, but it's not your problem because they're not your kids.

Then we ordered another round of margaritas.


Adam said...

Here's to loving other people's kids then shaking them up and sending them home with their parents!

Sass said...

That soundslike a great time with ur sister. And ur nieces are precious