Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Keep refrigerated

Photo Challenge Day 29 - Inside your fridge

Several  months ago on the Today Show there was a segment on kitchen organization. I took one thing from that: Putting a Lazy Susan in your fridge. I picked this one up at Bed, Bath & Beyond with a 20% off coupon making it less than $7.00.  It's an inexpensive way of keeping control of the smaller tubs and jars that otherwise get moved to the back where they sit way past their expiration date. It makes it easy to reach what I am looking for because it makes it easy to find what I am looking for. All I do is spin the thing!

002 by groth.alison

1 comment:

Linda@VS said...

The Lazy Susan is a great idea. I have several small ones in my linen/medicine closet in the bathroom, but it never occurred to me to put one in the fridge. Thanks for passing that along.