Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Taking one step at a time, including the steps on this morning's walk. A bit inspiring, a lot soothing. And accompanied by the best and cutest bottled water carrier ever.

water carrier

Note: Her concerned face is because she's afraid of this bridge and I have asked her to stop and turn around for a photo.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, I feel the same way she does about surprise pictures on bridges. Poor thing. I hope you gave her a yummy for that!

Adam said...

Funny how dogs help us through rough spots. Its also funny how they are afraid of some of the most random things. Take care Alison.

Linda@VS said...

Cheyenne seems to be saying, "Do I HAVE to do this? Are you sure?" What a precious, beautiful face that girl has. And I'm glad your steps were a wee bit lighter this morning.

Anonymous said...

That is one of the sweetest looking dogs I've ever seen. You can read that little face like a book. What a great companion you have there.