Saturday, June 09, 2007


Texts we sent to certain loved ones last night:

1. In courtyard of some 1000 year old castle and listening to I think Polka music.

2. No longer care about lost luggage.

3. Having fun. Polka music.

I think the funny thing is writing, "some 1000 year old castle." Because, you know, there are just so many and who can keep track?

Oh, and it wasn't Polka music. But there was dancing that reminded me of how people would dance to Polka music, if there was Polka music playing.


Anonymous said...

Well, look on the bright side, with the luggage still lost, you don't have to worry about the weight of possibly over-packing. And, you can buy the latest in European style with a clear conscience, knowing that it was necessity that drove you to it.

ghost said...

listen to the geek. he speaks the truth.