Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sunday, Sad Dog Sunday

Whenever the suitcase comes out, whenever the piles of clothes get stacked on the guest bed, she knows I'll be leaving her soon. And she doesn't like it one bit. Look at that sad face. It does no good at all when I tell her that I would take her with me if I could. And I would. I would take her with me everywhere I go. If I could.

Packing 010


maxngabbie said...

That face makes me wanna cry.

Linda@VS said...

Poor baby. With a face that expressive, she'd never be a good poker player.

Anonymous said...

This is sad! She'll miss you so much. Aren't pets wonderful? We take care of them - but I think they give more to us.

Pinehurst in my Dreams said...

Oh . . .We have a chocolate lab, and she does the same thing whenever we get out a travel bag. She mopes around on the days I work also - even though I am only gone a few hours about 3 times a week!