Friday, August 31, 2007


The truth is that I haven't seen ordinary times in a long time. Or maybe, just maybe, I should relinquish that idea altogether and admit that now is my new familiar, that my ordinary for the time is a time of challenge and emotion. What is ordinary anyway? Circumstances and change, bit by bit seep into the fabric. The ground shifts under my feet and I learn to walk a new way. The ground shifts again, I stumble, right myself and again learn new steps. I know, I know, few things are permanent. Even the warm evenings will soon enough give way to cooler air. Even the smudgy August clouds will soon change to long white stretches of September.


ghost said...

"all is change. everything yeilds its place and goes."-euripedes

Anonymous said...

For sure, Alison. And you can count yourself as one of the lucky ones when you right yourself after stumbling. Not everyone does. I'd like to say that I know your load will lighten - but I don't. I only know that you will go on. With grace. It seems to be what you do.