Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A bit of everything

Someone has a father, cancer stalks him
Someone has a mother, a car accident rearranged her
Someone has a lover, an addiction possesses her
Someone has a young daughter, diabetes pursues her
Someone seeks what they don't know how to receive
Someone lives beyond their means
Someone fears change
though the present is terrifying
Someone else hides behind money
Someone thinks he knows his way
when I know he can't figure a map to safely reach the next minute
Someone's mother waits for her to smile
Someone loses and someone gains
Someone cannot decide between two men who want her
She complains the smart one pays too much attention
the brawny one not enough
Someone says Boo and someone jumps
out of her skin
The skin we comfortably say we're home in
until life settles in, stretches out, wakes us up.


ghost said...

someone you do not know walks with you in dreams.

Scar said...

i love love this.