Thursday, January 13, 2011

Something new

Five days into 2011 I began searching my mind and heart for a word I wanted to use for my personal theme for the year, a word I wanted to focus on for the year.  One of my characteristics is definitely optimism.  I believe in the silver lining, hard-won lessons, and finding the positive even when it's the smallest fragment in the darkness.  I do believe that good ultimately predominates over evil.  So, I chose Optimism in 2011.  You see it up there in my new masthead and you'll see it there in a different monthly image that I believe represents optimism.

I chose the word because I want to be reminded every day that I have a choice how I look at the world.  Optimism is not hope, optimism is action.  It is action in thought, belief, attitude, behavior.  Optimism is a forward-moving word that is rooted in the heart and branches out through the mind.  Optimism is my approach in 2011.

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