Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm asking nicely

Would someone please translate this for me:

ut fert divina voluntas

I am connected to these words and yet do not know their meaning.

Do you have any idea what they mean, or any resource suggestions?


Anonymous said...

ut: means "to" or "that" or "in order that"

fert: means to bear or be fertile

divina: means divine, sacred or god-like and sometimes, depending on context, "natural"

voluntas: means desire, wish, or good will - it can also mean last will and testament

so, my, according to my limited legal/latin language abilities, it appears that the phrase means something to the effect of someone's desire or wish for someone to procreate.....but totally an educated guess as I do not know for sure. hope this helps.

Adam said...

My handy dandy google translator says it means "How will my God stop" or "Divine will be done."

Adam said...

. Above the archway are the initials RM Feselin, the annual number 1741, and the coat of arms of the family Fesel appropriate. The motto of the family Fesel "UT FERT DIVINA VOLUNTAS" in German means "The Divine will be done".

Duly Inspired said...

Adam! Bless you, that's it! That's the line on my family's coat of arms. Thank you for figuring this out for me!!!

Linda@VS said...

Way to go, Adam!