Thursday, December 15, 2005

As the saying goes?

Long and very boring conference call this afternoon. I'm in the kind of mood where I want everyone to just get to the point already and that simply is not happening. I mean, I woke up late this morning after hitting snooze too many times. I was in a funk, threw on the sweater I wore out last night and it smelled of cigarette smoke but I did not have the time to worry about it, so I drowned myself in way too much perfume to cover that up but instead smell like a nauseating combination of clean citrus and stale smoke. I'm tired, emotional, and stink like a bar. Not my favorite things to be. Still, no reason to cancel lunch with Mom. I pick her up at her house, help her into the car and we drive to her favorite restaurant. When we pull up to the restaurant she excitedly asks, What movie are we going to see?

You know how it goes, some days just start you out in a mood and do their best to keep you there.

So, as I said and I think you can now understand, I'm in the kind of mood where I want everyone to just get to the point already. No such luck. The conference call dragged on for a painful hour, and just before the dreadful thing ended, someone piped up with this: As the saying goes, we need to make sure we have the camel in the tent. What camel? What tent? What saying???

Somebody, anybody, please tell me what the heck that saying means. Please?


Viator said...

No, that saying sounds like "Early bird catches the most sleep in the end". Have no idea!
Nice blog, just saw your blogname flash by on blogger frontpage and it sounded cool.
And I just made this saying up on my blog so ...
Have a nice evening.

Sass said...

I'm wiping a tear for you.

It seems we go from bad to worse and later back to better.

Hope you are doing better today it's Friday and that alone can put a smile on your face.