Thursday, December 29, 2005

Your cold cold heart

Dear Chicago,

Remember me? I wrote you in January. We had only just met but I told you then that I was intrigued. The only thing that stood between our getting to know each other better was how cold you were. I admit, I have returned in the winter but you could have at least offered me some warmth. Decrease your winds a bit, or maybe - and this isn't asking a lot - have the heat working in my hotel room. I did appreciate the gesture of lights when I arrived. The twinkling and glittering white lights in seemingly every tree, and so many homes lit up and quaint like a village of Gingerbread houses along Lake Cook Drive, but given that Christmas has already happened, that's a bit of a leftover effort, now isn't it? And that cab you got for me? I must say that I failed to see the humor in that gesture because it's getting real old for me, these cab drivers who ask me for directions to my destination. I look out my window this morning and am tempted to be seduced by the idyllic scene of snow on the ground and flurries in the air, but still all you can offer me is a paltry 29 degrees? It's just like you, charmingly pretty but with an impenetrable and cold air about you.

Lady, you haven't changed one bit.


Anonymous said...

I'm from there. Well, the North 'Burbs of Chicago. It's a cold, hard city, compared to Houston, but not everything from there is cold and the Fall is lovely. Especially when the leaves change. Though, I have to admit, I love the snow, when it's fresh and hasn't be sullied by commuters.

Sass said...

Chi is a rough city. It doesn't have an image problem like New Jersey but it does have it's bitter abrasiveness. I like the way you said left over effort, it made me smile at the clever description and imagine the wilting decorations. I hear the time to go to chi is for st. patricks day - maybe this year? Come back to Texas before she turns the other cheek and drops to the low points and negatives.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wouldn't say "bitter", Sass, but cynical. Chicago has just about seen it all and a bribe in the right pocket gets work done. Still, she's a pretty city if you catch her right. Never know when an icy wind will blow in off the Lake, though. Cuts right to the heart of you, but it's usually worth it for the view.

And, yes, St. Paddy's Day is one of the best in Chicago. First the parade, then the traditional dyeing of the river and, finally, of course, the endless beer. That's the parade that was in Ferris Beuller's Day Off, as I recall.

Sass said...

N.G. okay bitter was to harsh but you know i have a man issue in Chicago and i'll be the first to admit i used the wrong adjective.

Anonymous said...

Not the first gal to have a "man issue" in Chicago, Sass. If you're celebate, though, it's a great city to relax and enjoy. And a green beer makes everything better.

Oh, musn't forget Jazz Fest or Taste of Chicago, either. Summer events, where it's actually cooler and less humid than here in Houston. Something to consider when visiting!

Duly Inspired said...

NG & Sass - I'm enamored, I am. I have a friend who lives there and have seen Chicago's good side. I will be going back in June and look forward to slightly warmer climes!