Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm surprised she didn't outright ask me for a couple side dishes to go with her entree

I should know better, really I should. Afterall, we've been together for five years now. I know her tricks, and I know how she is with her paws, how she uses them like hands. But I never figured she'd turn a doorknob. That's a special skill apparently she was saving for the right prize and the right opportunity, both of which I made available for her this afternoon.

I had thrown away the better part of a whole broiled chicken, knotted the trashbag and shut the pantry, thinking I'd take the trash to the garage when I left the house. I took a shower and that's when she went to work.

When I came downstairs, the trashcan was on its side on the kitchen floor, the bag ripped open and the coffee grounds and other bits of nasty kitchen garbage spilled out over the floor. Everything, that is, except for the chicken.



For a moment, she went back and forth between licking her chops and giving me her guilty face, which is a face I might have believed if I hand't snapped these photos. See that photo of her licking her chops? That's a Ha! Fooled you look in her eye if I've ever seen one.

Mmmm good


Anonymous said...

Gotta' love those four-footed thieves, don't ya?

At Christmas, I did a little dinner with turkey as the main course. My sneak-thief managed a good sized slab of turkey off the counter before I caught her. Little devil.
Same big brown eyes trick that Cheyenne used got her out of trouble, too.

Linda@VS said...

I love your stories about Cheyenne, Alison. My yellow lab Kadi, who is a goody-two-shoes if a dog can be one, greeted me when I came home from work the other day then ran directly to the kitchen garbage can, where she nudged the lid with her nose and looked pleadingly back at me. No, I did not give her the remains of the hot wings I had put in the can the night before...but it was nice of her to ask.

Rose DesRochers said...

What a priceless picture.

Rose DesRochers

Adam said...

That's funny. I have to lock my bathroom door when I'm in the shower...otherwise I get a guest in the shower with me. Try to give her a bath in the same shower and she fights it every step of the way. Go figure!

Adam said...

I forgot the most important thing in my previous comment...poultry bones are notorious for splintering and disrupting the digestive system. No need for serious alarm, just keep an eye out.

Anonymous said...

having a pet is kinda like having a child. they are going to get into things. its the way it is. you know you should be mad and sometimes you have to act like you are so that the child or pet learns, when really all you wanna do is run around the corner and laugh. love it.

Sass said...

She was following one of the rules we were told as kids - the one about not wasting food. Now that she can turn door knobs I think she should learn how to use the vaccum.