Thursday, January 19, 2006

Today's adjective: healthy

Oh, have I told you? Cheyenne had surgery yesterday. Again. Three lumps removed. Two we felt sure weren't cancerous, but of that other one we weren't so sure. I moved through yesterday in partnership with concern and worry. But that wasn't necessary since music to my ears would take form in the words, no cancer, just harmless fatty lumps. She's a bit loopy and droopy-eyed today. But she's healthy.

Sadsack 2 Sadsack I


Anonymous said...

Oh, good news! I'm thankful that my puppy is still too young for most of those kind of scares. I don't know what I'd do without her these days.
Glad Cheyenne is doing well.

Sass said...

Aww. Speedy recovery cheyenne.

Probably not the most appropriate place for a joke but my Dad and I have this on going text msg'd joke from when I caught him singing My Humps so now text msg him, How are your humps? He replies,"Lumpy"
Anyways glad all her humps were only lumps

Duly Inspired said...

That song!!! I must be the only person on the planet who has not heard it. Though I've read about it and the lyrics, so got a laugh from your joke.

Adam said...

That sounds like good news. Here's to many more slobbery tennis balls, squirrel chasing adventures and early morning wrestling matches in Chy's future!

Bird On A Line said...

Sweet girl! I know what it's like to have a pet go through surgery!