Thursday, April 26, 2007

Oh baby, yes yes YES

Dear guy who is staying in Room 509:

Pardon me for being intrusive but I have to ask you, why pornography at 5:00 in the morning? And was it really necessary for the volume to be that loud? Do you realize where that led my dreams and where I thought I was when I woke me up? Well, I'm not going to tell you but it's not a place I've been before. And who was that guy? And whose truck was that? And why was that coke bottle in the middle of the road?

If you are staying here again tonight, and planning on watching more adult entertainment an hour before dawn, please could you at least keep the volume down? I don't know if I want to go back to where I was when I was awakened this morning. But I do know that I have a feeling that everyone I cross paths with today will know, they'll just know from the blush on my cheeks what I was doing in my dreams last night.


The embarassed-by-her-dreams girl in Room 507


ghost said...

::smiling:: no eason for embarrasment, alison. we've all been there. with the bottle in the middle of the road. wait, just what is up with that bottle in the road?

Anonymous said...

Alison, you are hilarious. I laughed so hard reading this! I don't think I've ever been in that position! LOL

P.S. Did you slip the note under his door....or was that just for us? ROFLMHO