Thursday, March 08, 2007

What a day for a daydream

A light fog hung over Sacramento this morning, thin and low. My 6:00 a.m. flight departure would have gotten me up early enough, but because last night I brilliantly forgot to transfer onto my laptop the files I needed from the office's local server, I had to get up even earlier. Earlier as in 3:30. I'm a morning person but that's really the middle of the night, isn't it? Bleary-eyed and fumbling with codes on keypads to get into the office building, I was trying to spin the positive, telling myself that at least I could make coffee before getting on the road to the airport (the hotel's coffee bar, I sadly learned, does not open until 5:30). When you start your day at 3:30 in the morning, you need coffee. You do. That cup of coffee was good and hot and perfect.

My Vermont friend and I were on opposite ends of the country this morning. I called her from the airport as I waited for my flight and she was on her way to catch her own. This afternoon, we’re both back on Texas soil, sharing the same time zone once again. This evening, I’ll meet her for dinner and time. In a few hours I’ll smile at that familiar face of hers, and I’ll hug the friend I’ve known for so many years. We’ll sink into the ease, trust and comfort of our friendship and I’ll feel home once again.

As my southeast bound flight headed for the sunrise, out my window a cloud bank spread across the horizon in a sweet red and orange blur. I smiled at the idea of flying into the sunrise. It’s like being so happy that you run into the arms that were reaching for you anyway.


Anonymous said...

You've been in a lot of pain lately. You deserve to run into the sunrise.

Anonymous said...

I love that last sentence - it's like poetry! Hope you got a nap.