Saturday, May 26, 2007

Nine days and counting

In just nine days I'll be on my way to Barcelona. It will involve one car, four airports, three planes, one train, five cities and two cabs before we get to our hotel. I admit it makes me enormously tired to think about, but that's just right now. Who cares if I'm tired then, I'll be on vacation.

And I'm excited about that.

Plus, we're going First Class all the way.

And I'm pretty darn excited about that too.

My niece is in town this weekend and so the guest bedroom is hers at the moment. But come tomorrow when she returns to Austin, it will become less of a bedroom and more of a packing room. I'm ridiculously anticipating the thrill I'll have when I fold my clothes and place them in little ready-to-be-packed piles on the bed.

Also at ridiculously high levels of excitement is how I feel about getting new stamps on my Passport. As if it didn't sit in a file in my filing cabinet most of the time, as if were on display somewhere, as if the hundreds of photos I will no doubt take wouldn't be enough, I still can't wait to have my passport stamped with five new countries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting! And what wonderful blog material you'll be gathering! I can't imagine a trip like that. Well, I don't fly, is probably why. Guess I'll just have to look at your pictures.