Friday, May 18, 2007

This is all I got

I want to be clever. I want to recall the exact and place it here. But I can't do it.

I was out tonight with friends, at a party for a friend's birthday. The conversation was hot and jumping and more than once I requested of myself to remember the dialogue because it was funny and worth sharing.

And when I got home and flipped open my laptop... nothing.

I can't tell you anything more than I had a great time tonight. Apparently an un-memorable time, but great all the same.


maxngabbie said...

That happens to me more often than not. I may not be able to take home the funny stories, jokes, or one-liners, but I do take home that "fun, had a good time" feeling. Glad you had a good time.

Linda@VS said...

Even without the details, your good time made me smile. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.