Wednesday, March 23, 2005

First Quarter 2005 - Most Valuable Players

I’d like to take this moment to recognize those people on my team that have really given it their all lately. And by “given it their all,” I mean they have been there for me with support or laughter or a kind word or a strong shoulder, and consistently so. I am thankful for these friends and I feel blessed to know and love them. (Except for the last two who I do not know or love but have appreciated from a distance.)

For instance:
My number one brother looking out for everyone’s interests in the family, including my own, to the point of exhaustion, leaving no option unconsidered or phone call not made, and exhibiting an extreme patience towards our mother and our nephew, even though he’s also extremely concerned. And frustrated. And hurt.

My number one sister-in-law for always answering my telephone calls and talking with me in a frame of mind and tone of voice that’s understanding and supportive.

My friends, J&C, for their open door policy with me. Yes I can stay there, recover there, help myself there. My dog – with or without me – has been welcome there as well. And also for the supply of champagne at their house. Which they maintain anyway so I should say the supply of champagne that is always offered up with a ‘help yourself to…’ or “would you like?”

My friend, S, for hours and hours of her listening to me work out and through every thought or feeling that I could identify. Patient girl, that one. And for picking up Cheyenne or stopping by and feeding her on evenings I would be late.

My friend MB for meeting me at the park last night with a bottle of champagne. And for three hours we sat at a picnic table beneath the sun and then the stars, all the while a nice breeze. We chatted and laughed and I, for one, had a fantastic evening. Extra kudos her way for coming home with me and helping me flip my mattress and make my bed because a girl just cannot flip a mattress by herself and it was way past its time to be flipped, and that was bothering me. Most importantly though, because it made me wake up laughing because I had the words “Flipping the big white mattress” playing in my head to the rhythm of “Tripping the light fantastic.”

My old colleague, J, who is my number one pen-pal. We let the emails drop a while ago, both of us busy. But they've picked up again and it's always a pleasure to read his thoughts, his stories, and to see the pictures he sends me. Ours is always a good conversation and I am really enjoying having it again.

My number one girl, Stevie Nicks, for sending this fan an e-card invitation to spend $125.00 on a ticket to see her perform on one of four nights at Caesars in Las Vegas in May. Though it’s unlikely I’ll be going, it’s good to know that she’s still going to do solo gigs.

The guy in front of me at the coffee shop drive-thru this morning, who apparently said he’d get my coffee as well, so when I drove up to the window, I was told to put my wallet away. Nice treat! Tomorrow morning, I’m going to pay it forward.

So thanks, all of you. I wish I had a minivan so I could take the whole team out for a post-game pizza party. (Or, hey, maybe the guy who stole the Hummer would be willing to drive?). After we ate our pizza, I’d give everyone a whole roll of quarters for video games. And Stevie could sing. Oh yeah, what a cool pizza party that would be!

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